Because of the coronavirus pandemic my ability to go birding has been hindered so I decided to write about some of my favorite birding adventures in a series called the Quarantine Chronicles. This post is about my first trip primarily for birding, which was in South Texas in December of 2018. South Texas, more specifically the Rio Grande Valley, is one of the best birding areas in North America. It has a unique mixture of Gulf Coast and Central American birds. Many of these birds can’t be found anywhere else in North America. On the first day we spotted one of the rarest birds of our trip, the Hook-billed Kite.
These pictures were taken before I had my Nikon P1000 camera. My Dad took all of the pictures in the post. Thanks Dad for letting me use these! Here are my favorite shots from our first two days in Texas.
Quarantine Chronicles Part 2 here.

On our second day in Texas we spent most of our time birding at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge which had seemingly endless trails. This is the only time I have ever seen 100 species in one day! It is an incredible birding spot. We ended the day at a Green Parakeet roost in the town of McAllen. These are some of the only wild Parakeets in North America.

Stay tuned for the rest of our trip, coming soon!