The Snow Bunting is a small, mostly white bird. They breed in the Arctic Tundra and their winter range is from Central Canada to the Northern United States. These birds are occasionally seen in the Northeastern part of Colorado but are rare elsewhere in the state.
When a Snow Bunting was reported along Clear Creek Trail in Golden on February 6, 2020 I convinced Dad that it was worth chasing even though it was a weekday. At the time, I didn’t know this bird was the first record ever for Jefferson County. There have been over 400 species seen in Jefferson County so whenever a new species is added to the list it is a big deal. I have heard Snow Buntings before so this bird would not be a lifer. It is always a treat to get a look at a bird you have never seen.
When we arrived, we immediately saw another birder in the parking lot. He told us that the bird was currently being seen along the river and some other birders were still watching it. We speed walked down the trail until we got to the spot the bird had been seen. Aaron Shipe was on the bird and pointed it out to us!

What a thrilling (and easy) chase!