Denver Metro Rare Birds Dec 13th 2019

Today, Friday December 13th, Mom and I chased 2 previously reported rarities: a male White-winged Scoter and a Varied Thrush. Both of these birds are rare in the Denver metro area.

The Scoter had been reported at Chatfield Reservoir at the north boat ramp along the dam. It was a clear and sunny day with wind gusts above 25 mph! We had trouble locating waterfowl because of the strong winds churning up the water. After about 30 minutes of scoping the Scoter flew in from the southeast corner of the reservoir. The Scoter gave us great views from less than 30 yards away.

White-winged Scoter
Male White-winged Scoter.
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Scoter riding over the waves.
Chatfield Reservoir
View of Chatfield Dam from inside the park.
Chatfield Reservoir
Many white caps whipped up by the wind.

The Varied Thrush had been seen in someone’s yard in Lakewood off and on for a few days. We missed the bird on Monday but returned today. It was possible to view the Thrush from the street. He was quite skulky and hid in the bushes unless birders remained in their cars.

American Robin
A thrush, but not the thrush. American Robin, one of the Varied Thrush’s closest relatives.
Varied Thrush
Varied Thrush. Picture taken through car window and chain link fence.
Varied Thrush
Sneaky little guy!
Varied Thrush

A great day with 2 rare birds in the Denver Metro area.