A White-winged Crossbill was reported on eBird on Saturday night by Holden Maxfield. This bird would be a lifer so that night I emailed Holden asking for details on where he found the bird. Around 9 am Sunday morning he responded to my email with an excellent description of the bird’s location. We immediately headed to Brainard Lake Recreation Area to find the crossbill.
When we arrived after driving almost two hours, we realized we weren’t properly prepared. Every person in the parking lot had either cross-country skis or snowshoes except us. This of course would have been a wise decision considering the elevation was well over 10,000 feet and it was snowing quite hard. Not to be defeated, we headed out along the snowshoe trail. Thankfully the trail was well packed and the snowshoers were quite nice even if they were a little confused. After hiking almost a mile we reached the location.

Although we didn’t photograph the White-winged Crossbill we did hear its distinctive flight call. Even though we didn’t see it we can still count it as a lifer because we identified it by call. This is not the most glorious way to get a lifer, but it still counts!